Assessing Business Meaning Of Different Views

Actors and business observers should understand the meaning of business. How may people will run a business if you do not understand business. But, indeed many are not concerned with theories and study the definition of business. The most important thing for them is action. They do not want to busy to dwell on the problems of the theory.

However, please note that people who understand the theory will be much easier to run a business than those who do not understand science. Moreover, if you are indeed people who chose the field of business academics. It would be very embarrassing if you do not know the meaning of business. This paper will examine the meaning more business for you to understand about business.

Meaning Business by Some Experts

In language, the business is a translation of the word business in English. Business is the root word from the busy, which means 'busy'. Busy in question is busy doing various activities that can generate profits. According to economics, business is an activity which is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers and other businesses.

A business expert named Allan Afuah (2004) argues that business is an individual business activities organized to generate funds to sell goods or services for profit in fulfilling the needs of society and is in insdustri. The perpetrators of this business is usually called an entrepreneur.

Meaning business is also expressed by T. Chwee (1990). According to him, business is a system that produces goods and services to satisfy the needs of the community. Meanwhile, according to Grifin and Ebert, business is an organization that provides goods or services that aim to profit.

Agree with T. Chwee, Steinford mean business as an institution that produces goods and services needed by society. According Steinford, if the needs of the communities increased, the institution will increase its development business to meet those needs while memproleh profit.

Mahmud Machfoedz also believes that business is a trading business conducted by a group of people organized to be able to make a profit by producing and selling goods or services to meet the needs of the community.


Based on some opinions, meaning businesses can be concluded into the activities carried out either by individuals or organized group of people who create value (create value) through the creation of goods and services (create of good and services) to meet community needs and to obtain profits through transactions or buying and selling.

Business Characteristics

Here are a few characteristics of the business.

1. Activities of individuals or groups.
2. Organized (the management).
3. Producing goods or services.
4. Create value.
5. The production is produced to meet the needs of the community.
6. Exchange transactions
7. Getting the income (profit) from its activities.

So few studies about the meaning of business. Hopefully you can understand it!