Innovation and Innovative of Learning
Educational innovation is needed for teaching and learning process is not boring. Innovation starts with education can change the pattern of learning. Cooperative learning is a teaching method that enables students to learn or work together with other colleagues. A friend who is more academically able will be able to help colleagues who have difficulties in their lessons.
Cooperative Learning
In cooperative learning, each group had different values of achievement and socialization with other values. Learning is better than teaching only by classical methods or lecture in one direction only. Cooperative learning experts, like John Dewey, a very valuable contribution to the innovative methods of cooperative learning. According to Dewey, the classroom should be a reflection of the larger society.
Cooperative Learning
In cooperative learning, each group had different values of achievement and socialization with other values. Learning is better than teaching only by classical methods or lecture in one direction only. Cooperative learning experts, like John Dewey, a very valuable contribution to the innovative methods of cooperative learning. According to Dewey, the classroom should be a reflection of the larger society.
Meanwhile, other experts cooperative learning, such as Sholomo Sharan, give inspiration to each teacher to make classroom settings and teaching processes that include three conditions: (a) the direct contact, (b) equally participate in group work, and (c) the agreement among members within the group about the cooperative setting.
In practice, an innovative cooperative learning has some type of teaching, among which are STAD, Jigsaw, and think pair share. Here is an explanation of each type of cooperative learning that is innovative.
1. Student Team Achievement Division (STAD)
Innovative type of cooperative learning that STAD is one type of cooperative learning model using small groups with the number of members of each group between 4 to 5 people in a heterogeneous student. The students are a mix of achievement level, gender, social background, or ethnicity.
The teacher presents the lesson, students work in a team and ensure all members of the group has understood the content of learning. Furthermore, all students are given a test of the material. In this test, all students worked as individuals and not allowed to help each other. Type STAD accumulate individual score with a score of the group and give awards for individuals and groups who have increased the value significantly.
2. Jigsaw
Here are the steps that an innovative type of cooperative learning jigsaw. First, students are divided into small groups, between 4 to 5 people per group. Furthermore, the learning materials were distributed to each student in the group consisting of several parts section. Each group member is given the responsibility to study the sections that they receive.
Later, members of other groups with similar sections meet each other (expert groups) to discuss these sections. After getting the conclusions of expert groups, each group member back to their original group to share information with colleagues in the group.
3. Think Pair Share (TPS)
Innovative cooperative learning strategies designed to influence the pattern of student interaction. The steps are as follows TPS.
* Thinking (thinking). Teachers ask questions or problems associated with learning and provide opportunities for students to think for a moment.
* Pairwise (pairing). Teacher asks students to pair up and discuss what they have learned. Students are given the opportunity to interact to bring together the answers.
* Share (sharing). The teacher asks each pair to present their conclusion to the class.
Congratulations to innovate!
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